Very nice full moon shot! I have a feeling many many more will follow - once you shoot it once, it becomes a habit.

I've ended up with a whole moon gallery now:

Half moon, full moon, crescent moon, waxing & waning moons, red moons, harvest moons, daytime moons, cloudy moons, moons through trees, moons with silhouettes against them, moon reflections, moon shadows - there are so many ways to shoot the moon!

And it all started for me the same way - my first long telephoto shot of a full moon.

(BTW - try some shots of the moon when it gets to half or quarter - the transition zone between light and shadow always carries the best detail and looks great in a photo, and looks a little more 'dimensional' than the full moon).
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howie, one of the best moon shots i've ever seen. congrats.

justin, i thought shooting the moon was something one did during a moment of youthful indiscretion... ;)
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"HW" said:
I am going to try again tonite. I think there is a blue moon tonite

You are correct. Hope you have good weather. Also, you might want to find out when the moon sets tomorrow morning. They were saying on the radio this morning it was an orange color with all the humidity in the air up here in Syracuse, NY. I caught the moon at WDW near Everest last Saturday afternoon:


Not as impressive but I was surprised it came out that good. :)
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I managed a moon rising over Mexico at Epcot the time, I only had a 200mm telephoto, so I couldn't get as dramatically close as I would have liked:


Taken roughly from France.
"Scottwdw" said:
"HW" said:
I am going to try again tonite. I think there is a blue moon tonite

You are correct. Hope you have good weather. Also, you might want to find out when the moon sets tomorrow morning. They were saying on the radio this morning it was an orange color with all the humidity in the air up here in Syracuse, NY. I caught the moon at WDW near Everest last Saturday afternoon:


Not as impressive but I was surprised it came out that good. :)

thanx for the tip
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