Little Mermaid - my first shots from the ride


Staff member
This past trip, I finally found the lines around the new Little Mermaid short enough to be tolerable and see what was inside the ride - the wait was only 10 minutes. ; I had my NEX-5N and manual Voigtlander 35mm F1.4 lens, so I was manually focusing my way through and it was my first time on that are a few pics from inside:




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Fantastic Justin! ; I have shot this ride a few times, all with no luck at all! ; You nailed that blue crab thingy! ; And the first shot of Ariel and Eric is super sharp, perfectly lit and expertly timed! ; Well done!
Thanks John! ; I think it will be a little better/easier next time, now that I know what's in the ride. ; I was 'flying blind' having never been on it before, so I didn't know what scenes were coming until I got there, and since I was manually focusing, I missed a few scenes or messed a few up.
Thanks. ; Manual focusing is definitely a little harder, but at least possible on the slower rides. ; Someday, maybe I can get good enough to manually focus the interior shots of Splash Mountain. ; :)