Kaa (Fantasmic!)


Staff member
<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/060407/C/DLAPR182006113.jpg" />

This was one of the last pics I took with my D30.
I am loving all of these sharp, visible eyebeams where you can make out some of the texture of the particles in the air that the light is reflecting off of.

I had an ideal opportunity to try to do this.. I went to the Fantasmic Dessert thing (at WDW, not DL), where you sit at a reserved balcony sort of area behind the main seating. I had a table, I had my mini tripod set on the table.. but the best lens option I had was Canon's 50mm 1.8, and the tripod wasn't very stable either. The pictures are all a bit on the blurry side, besides the fact that they're all comparatively wide shots that encompass almost the entire island stage.
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Monopod Monopod Monopod Monopod Monopod Monopod

But IS can help there. I started with a 200/2.8L I USM on a monopod, back when 200mm=200mm, and an Elan IIe could autofocus circles around a D30.

I remember waiting IFO DL for the Buffet as first shift was coming to work. I used that vantage point to videotape the show. And that was the "alternate" version of the DL show (i.e. what happens when the Twain is down)

Digital is more forgiving than film was for getting things like the light beams.
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