
Imagination in Blue by Scottwdw

Both photos were photographed with a Nikon D700 and Tokina 11-16mm lens at 13s, f/11, ISO 200, EV 0, 16mm focal length, tripod and cable release.
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"ELinder" said:Scott, it was really bright when I took that. Stopped down to f/22, with the 8 stop variable ND filter cranked past full, and the longest time I got was still only 1/2 second.
"Scottwdw" said:John,
That's when a tripod and a Split Neutral Density filter comes in handy. ; You can still pull detail out of the lower half but it's easier if you can do that mostly in the camera.
No dice in the split ND, dont have one of those.
"gary" said:well that's why every photographer here on tmip needs to get on over to b&h and create a public wish list, then leave hints all about with relatives as christmas approaches