some shots from the nasa visitors center. last weekend as part of the quest for 30, i flew to dallas, drove down to houston thursday night, stayed in a hotel about 25 miles south of houston which allowed me to go to the johnson space center visitors center, rode the blue tram tour and walked around some stuff for awhile. first shot up is from a stop the tram makes, where you get out and go up stairs to a 2nd floor gallery overlooking the training area, where astronauts train on full size mockups of space craft. first shot is of a soyuz craft used to train for transport up to the international space station. it appeared that some kind of filming was going on that day
the new orion craft for the mars expedition
the new style surface vehicle, with suits that dock to the vehicle, and the astronaut enters and exits the suit from the back, thus bringing no surface dust into the delicate instrument and living quarters
the new orion craft for the mars expedition
the new style surface vehicle, with suits that dock to the vehicle, and the astronaut enters and exits the suit from the back, thus bringing no surface dust into the delicate instrument and living quarters