Italy right at dusk


Staff member
I took these few back to back right as the sun was setting.

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The view on #3 is one of my favorites. Every year when my group gets overserved with too much wine at Alfredo's (RIP), we pile out to that bridge on our way to stake out a spot for Illuminations, and usually snap a pic of the whole group hamming it up leaning over the bridge (usually wearing stupid hats purchased throughout the park that day). None of the pics ever came out well in the past because it was always dim and backlit ... but now that I'm armed with a 5D for my next trip, I have great hopes I can finally get that sweet lowlight shot.
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I actually like number 2 the best. When you first look at the picture you look at the foreground and think this is a nice picture of Italy. And then when you look in the background and then you are reminded by looking in the background you are at EPCOT (CENTER). I like how SSE almost makes a Sun/Moon setting.
thanks again everyone.
I need to give Dina credit for #3 , she told me where to point the camera on that one!

Thanks Will, I like #2 a lot too, I want to take it again to highlight the gondola brighter. I guess I need to either take it earlier or use a flash with a slow synch? Using the shadow/highlight tool in ACDsee on this shot just inroduces a ton of noise.

msummers, I agree on the sky on #4. My camera (maybe every camera) has a few minutes just after dark where it makes the sky this beautiful blue that really isn't there.
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