Americana at it's finest...
Color guards to lead off. From now and then.
Some veterans from WW II
Some questionable characters to add flavor
Throw lots of candy for the kids to get their sugar allotment for the day
Add the volunteer fire brigade and equipment.
A spinkle of home-made floats
Local cable access coverage and someone I hope didn't make it on the local cable access channel!
Hot rods never miss a chance to strut their stuff
And, lastly, a pipe band to fill the air with drums and bagpipes. Leaving everyone to wonder...what do they wear under those kilts!
Color guards to lead off. From now and then.


Some veterans from WW II

Some questionable characters to add flavor

Throw lots of candy for the kids to get their sugar allotment for the day

Add the volunteer fire brigade and equipment.

A spinkle of home-made floats

Local cable access coverage and someone I hope didn't make it on the local cable access channel!

Hot rods never miss a chance to strut their stuff

And, lastly, a pipe band to fill the air with drums and bagpipes. Leaving everyone to wonder...what do they wear under those kilts!

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