Inc Magazine: Why Circuit City failed, and why B&H thrives

i had seen this excerpted on another site a few days ago and it really is true.
that is why i only recommend and affiliate for b&h. ; this was a really nice article and it does go to show that treating your customers well and fairly is the #1 way to do business. ; thanks for posting.
i too am a long time and many $ buyer at b&h, and the tub system and all the handling and going point to point to purchase really doesn't take all that long, they always seem to have plenty of men at each counter, due to religious beliefs in gender seperation one thing you will not see are any female staff, at least not on the floor
it's a huge store, and if they do not have it, it probably isn't made anymore as far as photography
their telescope section alone is bigger than many smaller camera stores
Substitute Ritz Camera for Circuit City and the article would also pinpoint why their bankruptcy reorganization won't be a success (well, poor service and an incredibly outmoded business model). ; I've never actually bought from BH, but I've often window-shopped (online).
Thanks for sharing that article Roger. I was already planning to buy my 70-200 from them & this just solidified my decision. I actually have purchased a couple smaller items from them & had Great (prompt) Service.

If everyone will bear with me a second, I feel this relates to an episode that took place yesterday at my local Chevy Dealership. I went to pick up my wife's Tahoe which was in the shop for a minor sensor problem & the Service Attendant pulled the vehicle around. When he went to hand me the keys, he asked to see the Service Ticket we had gotten from the Service Counter. After looking at it, he pointed out that as we were still under Warranty there was a couple items that he would like to point out that really needed to be replaced & asked if we would like to have him order these & replace them at no cost. The items consisted of an interior door handle which had the silver paint flaking off & the body side mouldings which the paint was fading on. He also stated that if there was anything else we noted , to let him know right away & he would take care of it. Now, with that said, I feel it is notable that this dealership has always been in the top one percent of dealerships in Louisiana & will not be one of the 1,100 dealerships that GM will be ending ties with. Just another example of Good Customer Service at it's best.

Sorry to stray from the topic, but I couldn't resist the correlation between the two.
it's scary to think what we have spent over the years with B&H. ; They are the most dependable when it comes to shipping down here to the VI. ; Every other company botches it or thinks we are international. ;

Imagine collectively what we have all spent with B&H!!!

They are a great company... Steve would give his right arm to get to go to the store in NY one day! ; But for now we will continue with mail order.
