Was that taken in front of the Ludwell-Paradise House?
Michael, I am not sure. She picked that spot in colonial Williamsburg simply because of the double staircase. There are much better places to get photo's done, but that was what she wanted, she was just a little bridezilla-ish (ok, a LOT). I was shooting these at 1600 ISO because I wanted to make sure I could catch the little one in the shots before she ran off. Normally with the sun being what it was I would have gone slower, and tried to let more regular light in. For some reason when I took a few of these at slower shutter speeds, it was almost like a slow sync shot, because the lens was staying open for a bit longer, and i was getting motion blur. Though, I am realizing now that that could have also been because I was shooting at f29. Oh well, live and learn.
Roger, I am sure that this option would have helped also. I was using my flash to try and compensate, but knew that the little pop-up one on my camera would do little to nothing for me.
Thanks for the input guys. As this was my first time shooting something a little more serious than stuff for me or my family, it was interesting to realize just how much you need to think about before just pointing and shooting.