I'm (bear) tired!


Staff member
<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/092807/A/IMG_9778.JPG" />
Everybody together now...


I was going to ask what kind of bear it was.. my zoo has an arboreal bear, but it has very different fur than this. Then I remembered the sun bear, looked it up, and it both looks right, and also one of the links I ran into was from the San Diego Zoo, where I'm assuming you took this.
I could tell for certain if it wasn't lying like that.. the characteristic marking on a sun bear is a light colored marking on its chest, I can see a tiny bit of what could be that marking, but it's mostly obscured.

I look at the deep gouges in the wooden structure and I wonder.. could the bear have done that? I can only assume it did.. yowza! They're so clean it looks like someone took a router to it.
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yeah bear claws are sharp, camping one time, deep adirondacks, ranger comes around and tells everyone to tie off packs, high up , girls in next lean-to do not listen, i guess they figure the ranger was exagerating, wake up to them screaming as the bear climbs around on the roof, next morning we find their packs half a mile down opalescent brook, sliced wide open as clean as a razor cut, not a frayed edge to be seen, so those are mighty sharp claws on all bears