Illuminations Long Exposure

"Tim" said:
jeff, how were you able to get in that particular area for the show? i have NEVER had any luck getting there. always roped off.

Looking at the crowds in the pic, I'm guessing he used the element of height *behind* that area.

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Because of the glass, reflections from the kitchen lighting, etc. My shots weren't as good as I had hoped it could have been with the 14-24 monster...



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"Roger" said:
Looking at the crowds in the pic, I'm guessing he used the element of height *behind* that area.


Exactly- I had my back to the planter at the top of the picture- the area in the forground remained roped off. I spoke to the CM 'guarding' the ropes early on and she said the Fire Marshall evaluates the conditions every night to see if people are allowed in that area- and if so they open it up 10 minutes before the show. When it opens people in there must remain seated and not get up for the entire show. I was going to wait by the rope and hope to get a good spot in there- but in the end made the right decision and camped out at the top.
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"PolynesianMedic" said:
Still they are great shots Roger! Could you clone out that light?

Doubtful. I'll go back sometime soon into A2, undo the crop and reproduce the image. As Tim can attest, the kitchen area is brightly lit blue and...long.
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i didnt get anything worth keeping from inside but outside on the railing would have been awesome!
The railing is definitely on my list for something the next time! The roof blocked some of the shots, which you can't see in this shot, but it was there. (along with the Reflections of Tokyo Diningâ„¢)


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Wow, I didn't realize exactly where you shot that from until you posted this and then it dawned on me that the Tori gate was in the shot. I must look better before posting sometimes.
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