Ideal age to go to Disneyland


I've never been to Disneyland, but I am planning to take my kids there. I have two boys aged four and seven and I think the younger is still too small to be able to enjoy the full Disney experience, so I think it's better to wait one or two more years. Am I wrong here, can he with four enjoy it all or is it better to wait a little longer?

With what ages did you take your kids?
I don't think you need to be a right age! I went at 23 and absolutely loved it!! My cousin went when she was eight years old and loved it. She went again when she was around 14 and loved it just as much! She is now 30 and plans to go again. I think if it wasn't in another country she would go every year even at this age. Same with me, I really want to go as many times as I can, it's sad that I don't live in the US otherwise I would totally get the year pass...
@Peninha there is no right or wrong age to go. I started at the age of 30 and started to take my kids at the age of 1.5 years. They may not have remembered much at that age but we have lots of pictures and video. We have have now been 14 times to WDW and 6 cruise in the past 9 years. We try to go at least 2 tumes a year and recently became annual passholders.

Keep in mind, that the vacation is not only for you kid, it is for you too. Your kid many not remember much, depending on age, but you will always remember the first time you took them to Disney. I know these are memories I will not soon forget.
I think the best age to visit Disney at is about 7-12.
They're old enough to remember the experience and have their own opinions, and they'll be tall enough to go on some of the better rides, but they're still young enough to fully experience the "magic" of Disney.
I think that you can be any age to go to Disneyland. Though for younger children, if they are aware of what's going on -- as in not an infant -- then I would recommend going when they've reached the height minimum. It would just be extremely depressing for them to not go on many rides because they're a couple inches shorter than needed. I think 48 to 54 inches is the minimum that most children need to be in order to ride most attractions.
We are taking our grand kids at age 5, which is the same age as we first took our son. He has some great memories of being there at that age.
Hmm, I never thought of including the height limit when considering when to bring the kids to Disneyland. It actually sounds like a bit of a must though, since I do want them to maximize the visit so thanks for the tip, Bloomsie.

I'm more of a 'stroll through the attractions' kind of park visitor as compared to my 'must ride all the roller coasters' husband, so whatever age my child ends up being when we actually go to Disneyland, we absolutely have to stay for at least a few days just so we don't get burned out.
I don't think there's an age limit as to how much you can enjoy Disney land and all its fun. As he's four he watches more Disney than all the adults (depending on how you raise them). He will have more fun than maybe every one else there, and either way its good to start making memories like this from a young age, soon you won't be able to mention Disney world and still get excitement. Take it while you can, and what other place to build memories than Disney land?.
You can definitely still have fun at any age! (As long as you aren't too old and/or having trouble getting around that is and even then you can still get around that.) As long as you aren't going alone, no matter what your age is you should be having plenty of fun!