I won another photo contest... but how?

I've just been notified that I've won another photo contest. Considering what I submitted, I don't understand how I can win the contest. Any clue?

Here's the pic.


??? ??? ???
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...bangs head against a brick wall in wonder :)
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I don't mind getting the prize money, but I seriously think the jury panel needs to be shot. I mean, seriously, what the heck is going on in their minds? ??? ??? ???
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Well, that is an interesting subject with horizontal and vertical integration in the shots.

Plus it refers to how many people feel, etc. etc. etc. "their life has hit a brick wall"
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dare i ask.... what was the subject of the contest?
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it's an open contest divided into 3 categories: people, sceneries, and things. Every entrant can enter one pic for each category. I entered my often-showcased church as "sceneries", my client's photo as "people" and since I don't know what to submit for "things" I uploaded a random picture.

Another picture that have won a competition is a picture of clouds. I swear, these judges are nuts.

Here's the pic of the clouds:

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they may be nuts, but you're getting paid. milk that cow til it runs dry.
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That's true. After winning a couple of contests with stupid pictures, today alone I've entered 3 more photo contest by submitting lame, brainless pictures. We'll see whether I win (at the same time I also enter the contest under my friend's name but using pictures that I really like)
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welcome to the art world, don't try to understand or the people who run it, because we normal folks never will

enjoy it while you can