I need....

...a free image hosting website that saves the names of my pictures. I take A LOT of pictures of the kids at school and take the time to rename them all when I upload them. This past year I used shutterfly but when I went to resave them and burn the pictures to a CD ALL of my names were gone! I know photobucket does what im looking for but I would go over my allotment in like a month! One of the preschool teachers has an account for each kid but thats more work than I want to do. Any suggestions???

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I was going to suggest Nikon's new Mypicturetown, but that seems to only be for Nikon users.

Adobe has Photoshop Express, which gives you 2 GB free. They've changed their ToC to make sure that they can't make money off your pics after the initial uproar...


Otherwise, for the price, Flickr Pro isn't that bad for what you want to do - you can upload a full size image.
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Flickr changes the names of the files. I double checked because I was going to suggest flickr. When you go to download the picture, Flickr has changed the name to a random set of letters and numbers
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Ahh. I haven't used Flickr in a very long time. Thanks Ray.
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I am a big fan of SumgMug and Phanfare. I do not believe that they change your file names, and they are very well established. I know they have a free account option, but their paid accounts, I thought were a great value.

www.smugmug.com and www.phanfare.com
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