I am gonna regret this

He designed a camera with everything...even a kitchen sink.

His memory is so powerful, he doesn't need memory cards to photograph.

Birds alter their migration based on where he'll be.

He can shoot multiple exposures, in one exposure.

He is...
Enjoy the compliments - those commercials are fun with all the things they say about the dude, but it's also supposed to be a rugged, cool adventurer type character...so if that shot makes you in that image, it's a compliment! ; Post a photo of me, and all you get is a run of fat jokes and nerd jokes. ; :)
I posted it figuring it would be the brunt of jokes which would have been ok but I didn't expect these comments. I was shocked actually knowing this crowd
For comparison:


You know, ironically, the real actor's life is pretty interesting!


  • me.jpg
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You know, Howie, I am going to have to take a portrait of you when I'm down there. ; That is an amazing resemblance.
"Scottwdw" said:
You know, Howie, I am going to have to take a portrait of you when I'm down there. ; That is an amazing resemblance.

Be sure to bring a bottle of Dos Equis along too.
Re: Re: I am gonna regret this

"zackiedawg" said:
Be sure to bring a bottle of Dos Equis along too.

Or the cheaper, generic version... XX. ;

-Posted from my htc Thunderbolt. ;
No cheap generics for me...Dos Equis is so much better than XX! ; Everyone knows it.

I might be able to dig up a jug or two of XXX from my stil...er...tool shed.
[size=x-small]Or the cheaper, generic version... XX. ; [/size]

during my college days, oh so long ago, 1971, there actually was a generic beer in the supermarkets, white can, black letters that just said, beer

there was also a slightly fancier choice, canadian ace, 0.99$ per half gallon, that's right ninety nine cents a half gallon glass jug
I was a wine connoisseur in my early years. tingle-.80 a pint and who can forget ripple and bali-hai.
then we moved up to lambrusco. a higher priced grape juice

"gary" said:
during my college days, oh so long ago, 1971, there actually was a generic beer in the supermarkets, white can, black letters that just said, beer

Gary, I have to say that in the summer of 1991, before my junior year at college, I had the pleasure of drinking BEER brand beer (white can, black letters like you said, there was even LITE BEER too), and as long as it was cold, there was little problem consuming it!

By the way, in 1971 I running around in diapers, and I am sure some folks around here were just still an itch!
I remember BEER well. ; I was out of my diapers by '71, but was still riding around on a Big Wheel. ; But visits to the supermarket with grandma meant I had ample opportunity to see rows and rows of white cans with dark blue or black letters saying 'BEER'. ; Grandpa preferred other types - but as a kid, the simplistic font and sea of white caught my attention and I always wanted one of those. ; Somewhere along the way I sot of got my wish when grandma bought me COLA. ; I excitedly ripped off the tab (yep - remember when those ripped off and gathered all over the streets before the pop tabs appeared?) of the white can and drank the mystery nectar. ; Next trip to the market, grandma had to by Coca Cola again.
That was during the big Generic Foods Craze. ; Aisles were filled with bottles/cans/boxes with white labels that had nothing more than the name of the product (Beer, Macaroni, Cheese) and a bar code. ; Crazy times.
"zackiedawg" said:
I was out of my diapers by 71, but was still riding around on a Big Wheel.

i thought at 71 you were starting to get back into diapers? ; and, by big wheel, do you mean ECV? ; just sayin'...
Hey...where'd my ' go? ; I definitely had a ' there. ; I think someone stole my '. ; I've put it back in...but I'm still suspicious that someone around here is taking ' 's.