HUGE Pixelmania annoucement coming soon!


Staff member
There will be a slight modification to the Pixelmania schedule to accommodate a HUGE announcement. ; You should really plan on being at the Studios for the morning meet. ; Let's just leave it at that for now... ; ;)
If you check the schedule thread, you will find a slight change to the DHS Day.
That is going to be one interesting meet! ;D ; So exciting!! -Karen
Oh I actually have to wake up early one day! ; ;) ; But it seems worth doing, so I can suck it up just once.
I am working on being there! ; Just got permission to "ditch" the "family reunion" so there may be some Pixelmania for me!!!
Dangit, I miss seeing you guys since MouseFest stopped happening. I've made up my mind, I'm coming to PixelMania 2011. Hopefully it will coincide with a Passporter meet so I can see some of my old Passporter friends, too.