
Here's a view of Scott hard at work while we were all shooting the pre-game warmup from the Syracuse bench.

Watch the birdie

Crunchman poses with a couple of the Ice Girls. ; The girl on the right is a former Disney cast member. ; She was a "friend" of Chip and Dale and a variety of other characters.

Chicks dig the six-pack
Hmmm. I gotta get me an inflatable six pack...

No commentary on this one. I just liked the pose and expression:

Rubber hockey stick:

The only goal scored in the game. Unfortunately it was not Scott's home team...

Nice work, Dave, especially the first shot.

Now from me, a couple of shots from my "special assignment."

The Zoom Tan Ice Girls check the schedule of the night's promotional activities before the game. ; I was impressed by the amount of work the girls put in during a game. Besides dancing and cheering during breaks in the action, they interact with fans before and during the game and have a schedule for locations and promotions to follow. ; They're much more than just a bunch of pretty faces. ; (Although there's no doubt that they ARE a bunch of pretty faces.)

Making plans

And here they are during one of the scheduled promotions, tossing shirts (or something like that) to the crowd.

Who wants a ; shirt?
Nice work photographing the Ice Girls there Dennis. You obviously took your special assignment very seriously.

Syracuse made a valiant effort to come back to tie it up at the end of the third period.

This was a lucky shot by me and a great blocker save by the goalie:

There was such a flurry going on in front of the net here. I saw the wind up and just started panning in hopes I would get the puck hitting the back of the net. Unfortunately, the crossbar put a stop to that. Total luck with this capture too...

if i had known it was hanson brothers night, with all that fighting going on i might hve attended
Back to the hockey today. ; Don't worry, I still have a few more shots of the girls. :)

Riku Helenius getting in the zone for the third period.

Psyching up

The only goal scored in Friday's game. ; Unfortunately, it was Hamilton and not Syracuse that scored it.

Too late
Two more action shots from the Saturday game.

If you've ever played hockey, you know that when you're defending against a power play, you always set up in a box and keep the opponents outside the box. ; Albany (in red) apparently forgot that plan.

Collapsed defense

Just to prove that all of the fights weren't on Friday night. ; I love the enthusiasm of the crowd in this shot. ;)

So's your old man
Enjoying the photos Dave and Dennis. I think the fight was winding down at that point. Syracuse fans are hard to keep interested.

Here are a few more from the Hamilton game.

Here's the puck drop photo I took when Dave took the photo of me taking it. Kapish?

Syracuse Crunch Jared Nightingale (42) fires a shot at the Hamilton Bulldogs net I think I see why he misses more often than hits it.

J. F. Jacques (22) looking for trouble. He found it later (see previous fight pics).

Photos the Crunch love: Vladislav Namestnikov (18), who's father played for the Crunch in the 1990's, with his head up before taking a shot.

Syracuse Crunch Dan Sexton (16) making his way into the Bulldog's zone with hair outstanding.

Hamilton Bulldogs defencemen Nathan Beaulieu played his first two NHL games recently.

Syracuse Crunch Matt Taormina (6) shoots over Hamilton Bulldogs Nathan Beaulieu's block attempt.
Here is one of those "wide" shots I was talking about earlier in the thread. I like it because it shows the players concentration and focus as they come up the ice:

This shows concentration too but focuses more on a single player:

I like the second photo more myself. Scott, do you find that the more "in demand" photos are the close-ups or do you try to get some of each?
"ddindy" said:
Just to prove that all of the fights weren't on Friday night. ; I love the enthusiasm of the crowd in this shot. ;)

(With lower jaw forward and a slight British accent and pinkie up)...
"Look Buffy, that brute on the opposing team has just taken to fisticuffs with our guy. ; How crude of him, the brigand!"

Sent from my iPhone...
"ExploringWDW" said:
I like the second photo more myself. Scott, do you find that the more "in demand" photos are the close-ups or do you try to get some of each?

For the team, they like the closeups as do the fans. ; For parents, they want to see their son/daughter as the main subject, period. ; They could be moving or static.

The first photo in your last post really does not have a subject or a place for the eyes to focus in on. ; The second is much better with a clear subject and interesting pose. Might want to crop and/or clone out the cut-off Hamilton player on the right edge. ; Distracting he is.
Thanks for the critique Scott. I know what you mean about the first one not having a subject. Rather than being technically a good photo, to me its more like being at the game and following the play. I can see where the team or parents wouldn't really be interested.
I'd say there were easily 50-100 dogs there. ; The stands at one end of the rink were set aside exclusively for dogs and their owners. ; They were, for the most part, very well behaved.