Hints on not waiting in long lineups


This might be a good thread to start. ; Do you have any hints on how to avoid waiting in the long line ups for the rides? ;

I would have to say fastpass as much as possible. ; When we fast pass Everest, we went for a walk, came back, didn't even wait 5 minutes to get on the ride. ; It was great!!
Also... take advantage of rides with 'single rider' lines as much as possible... the exception being if you have small children, obviously. ; I mean, for the amount of conversation you can really have on most of the rides with this feature, you might as well save the time, right?

Also, going on rides while there's a show going on nearby can help avoid the lines... if everyone in the area is in a show, or lining up to meet characters, there's fewer people in the area to line up for the rides. ; This includes during parade times. ; We went through the haunted mansion twice while the parade was going on one day... but were in line for close to 30 minutes once the parade ended. ; (yes, we're freaks *laugh* ; we get a kick out of the mansion)
Getting there early........we got to Animal Kingdom just before it opened, and were able to get on the safari with only a 5-10 minute wait (and most of that was spent walking in the line....)

Taking advantage of the extra magic hours if you are staying on site also helps.