Highlights from the Night Time Photo Tour, Mousefest 2006

BTW, you can cheat a bit and make the person on the extreme right in the back #16... :)
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Hey Brian, did you take that composite image before or after the tour? If it was before the tour, then I was there too (but would have been on the far right side, out of your pictures). If you took it after, then I just plain wasn't there. I (admittedly) bowed out of the tour after we all stopped and took pictures of the glowing orange tower-thingie on top of Stitch's Great Mistake err... Escape. This was due to my less-than-thrilled-about-photography girlfriend, who was getting itchy britches and complaining about "wasting" away the whole Christmas party.
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itchy britches? ain't gonna touch that one with a 10 foot pole.........
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Hi Don, as you probably suspected this was taken at the close of the tour, sorry I missed you in the photos, I actually think I may have gotten there a bit late myself.
chimp count = 6, including yours truly, although on the witness stand i would claim to be checking my battery level and remaining space on the cf card, yeah that's it, i'm checking the card space
gary, aka g-money, #21
The Rodeway Inn on 192 is included in a very affordable Northwest Airlines package. I don't think I'd choose it otherwise, but the location is very convenient, and they allow pets - we're attending a Cat Show (I'm a judge) the weekend before Mousefest, so it works.

Really looking forward to this year's Photo Meets - have a new camera (Panasonic DMC-FZ8K) that I'm looking forward to using!
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"BarbB" said:
Really looking forward to this year's Photo Meets - have a new camera (Panasonic DMC-FZ8K) that I'm looking forward to using!

Oh boy, pressure's staring already :)
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