Hi everyone!


I just want to say hello. I am a Disney Maniac and a Photography Rookie. I have been shooting for about a year now. I might be one of the few around Disney shooting with a NEX 7. I just switched to Mirrorless from a D5100. I live in Slidell, La which is right outside New Orleans. Is anyone here from around the Southeast La area?
Welcome! ; I do believe our own Cooleo may be from your general area. ; Please feel free to post away and ask lots of questions... ; that's what we do around here!
Hey thanx Tim. I don't know if you remember or not but I met you and Jeff a couple weeks ago at HS around 1 AM. I was shooting with a Mirrorless NEX 7. I just posted some shots in the Animal Kingdom thread. I've been enjoying lurking around here and just had a chance to join and post.
Welcome aboard! Great to see a fellow Who Dat! here in these parts. Glad you could join us & looking forward to seeing your photos. You will find no better place to share & learn then this forum. Lots of friendly natives around here that make you feel just like the people of Louisiana always do. ; 8)
Welcome indeed - I know that screenname from some other board somewhere, I think... ; ;) ; I think you'll enjoy this little group of dedicated photography AND Disney-heads. ; And good to have a fellow NEX shooter over here too.

As for the Louisiana connection, Leo has replied and he's a local - I feel like an adopted son of Nawlins since I went to college there and have been back often as you never get that city out of your blood.