; Hi, I am new to this site but am anxious to join the Pixelmania!2K10 activities. ; I am a "point and shoot" camera user (very beginner), but love to visit Disney World as often as I can and always take pictures for my own memories and to share w/my kids and grandkids online. ; I am an Annual Passholder and live closeby so visit WDW at least once a month -- usually, more often! ; I often visit "solo" and really enjoy taking pictures of stuff most of my guests want to "fly by" on the way to rides! ; So, hope to meet many of you during Pixelmania!2K10. ;
BTW, my screen name comes from having lived in Colorado when I first got a PC and lived in a logcabin. Great memories and scenery there. . . but too far from WDW and way too much snow!
Welcome to the forums. ; I also live close by and try to go at least once a week, but that doesn't always happen. ; Can't wait to meet you at Pixelmania! ; Last year was a lot of fun, and I learned a ton, so I am looking forward to more of the same this year.
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