
My name is Terry. I am from Pittsburgh and currently reside in Texas. I am a career Soldier and I will be retiring soon. I am married and have 3 kids. I LOVE photography and I can't wait to do it for a living soon. Can't wait to start posting some of my work soon.
Welcome to the boards, Terry, from just a little south of ya!

Central Texas is a great place to shoot for nature; I wish I had more time to do so, especially since the wildlife loves the Colorado River, or if you go down to Corpus Christi for the migration seasons.
Welcome Terry! ; Glad to have you aboard. ; Hope you enjoy sharing in Disney and photography...two things we like alot around here...so it should make you feel at home. ; And thanks for your service to the country - you deserve a wonderful retirement, which you can spend enjoying the photography, and of course, heading over to Disney as often as possible.

Looking forward to seeing your shots around.
Welcome Terry, and thanks for the service to our country. ; I am sure that you will love it here, as everyone is very helpful. ; Can't wait to see your work.
welcome aboard, and maybe you can make it to pixelmania, much good fun in store and much shared knowledge to be had
Howdy and welcome to a fellow Texan. I can't wait to see some of your pics. We also share a lot of non Disney shots as well so feel free to post those too.