Hello and Help!


Kinda new (been a lurker for a while) and cant for the life of me figure out how to post my pics. ; I can only imagine that this is not rocket science but I may be on the low end of the gene pool on this one. ; Can someone tell me how or direct me to a posting that might explain?
Its easy! after you click "reply" just under the post area in the white box. then click "attachments & subsriptions" under the text area in the reply box. that opens up the attachement part and the different ways you can do it.

Or you can link to pics that are already online (flickr, smugmug, etc) by clicking the "insert image" button just above the text area in the reply box

There is also a test part of the forum where you can play around and experiment
Welcome. Don't feel like you're alone on this as this happens to many first time posters. I'll try to explain this without too much detail.

1.) You need to have your pictures hosted on a site somewhere (Flickr, Photobucket, etc.). There are lots of others, but flickr seems to be the most popular.

2.) Then you need to click the little picture icon on the toolbar here. It is the one to the bottom far left.

3.) Next you need to copy the image location from the host site. It should look something like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/photobycooleo/3450766836

4.) Now paste that image link in between the image tags created when you clicked the picture icon.

5.) After pasting the image link, click on POST & your post will look like this.

actually you can post proper resized and kb limit jpegs direct to here from the hard drive, i have a phanfare site, but never do linked photos as my site is all full res jpegs, which double for me as an off premises backup