haunted mansion exterior...


Staff member
southern plantation house.... very different from wdw's hudson river valley mansion

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Ick, I don't like the spider web... is the hidden mickey telescope gone?

Anyway, you're making me want to post my pics, including the tungsten slide at night shot....nothing too recent as the Mansion was usually: 1) closed to switch to Holiday, 2) switched to Holiday, or 3) closed to switch back and do annual rehab during my last visits that had a digital camera.

My last visits this spring while I still lived in OC were mainly to get rid of my vast unexposed film left.
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the large spider web is where they placed the '50' during the happiest celebration on earth. it was pretty cool looking, but i have no recollection of what it looked like without it.
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I see your photo and raise you two.
<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/052607A/C/DLJuly9850_resize.jpg" />
Mansion 1998<p>
<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/052607A/C/DL0899296_resize.jpg" />
Mansion 1999, from the trail to Critter Country