
Staff member
Just sitting here on Turkey day, checking the message boards and e-mail for a spell, getting ready for the arrival of family for the big feast...wanted to wish everyone from the U.S. at TMIP a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
We finished off our Turkey a little earlier....more like a Thanksgiving lunch than a Thanksgiving dinner :)

But, I wish the rest of the cast and crew here at TMIP a VERY Happy Thanksgiving! :D
Happy Thanksgiving to all! ; I hope that you all had a great day. ; I am at work now, and hoping to not treat too many people tonight.
I just finshed my dinner (turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie) and now it's
time to reflect on just how good we all have it. ; Good families and good friends. ; Enjoy the rest of your night!
I finished my dinner hours ago, but I still feel as stuffed as the turkey was! ; We're having a lovely cool front tonight, so the windows are open to get some fresh air - huge meal, lots of family...all indeed is very good! ; And even better, Disney right around the corner.