Ham Ham's Hamster Horde Holiday

Guess where I was today?

Didn't get to see Fantasmic. Too much rain so we decided to pass.

Wednesday day was spent chillin by the pool, sleeping in and we stopped by DVC Welcome Home Wednesday and some guy from Canada made it to the game show. The freebie was a red DVC hat.

DD 10 and I watched a DVD today.
Can you tell by the picture which film we were watching?





Hey, I know that canadian contestant :o!!!!

Good for you, what'd you win in the four way tie. ; I've tried so hard to get picked and ; never make it. ; How fun is that....

Ah, a nice lazy day relaxing around the Animal Kingdom Lodge, your way too lucky. ; Wish I could do that, wait, ; I think I will this friday.

Keep the pics coming...
If you really want a red DVC hat, I think I have a few still hanging around! ; Or a blue one!

Thanks for the pics! ; I finally get to see what the Atlantic Dance Hall Looks Like!
"scratch" said:
If you really want a red DVC hat, I think I have a few still hanging around! ; Or a blue one!

Thanks for the pics! ; I finally get to see what the Atlantic Dance Hall Looks Like!

You've never been to Atlantic Dance Hall or a Welcome Home Wednesday?
Oh mark it down as a must do for your next trip....
Please... tell me more about this weekly event. ; I've never heard about, but am verrry curious.

I thought that Canadian contestant looked quite familiar (although we don't see as many pics as we do of the Hamettes!!!).
Sounds like a nice relaxing couple of days. ; The welcome home wednesday look like fun. ; We will have to try to catch one when we go the next time. ; And no guesses on the movie you and your DD watched. ; Not even a clue.
A little aside from my trip report.

While heading to the I-drive outlets I noticed that the traffic signal lights now have a small blue light on top of the signal. It seems to stay on when the light is red. The blue light is atop a small post and can be seen from all directions.

Any one else notice this?

Highland3 any insight on this?

Would these not be the lights that allow Emergency Vehicles to change the lights to their advantage????

So where are the other photos??????
"Ham Ham" said:
Could it be for Emergency Fire/Ambulance services to know when the light in that direction is red?

And the winner is.... ; Ham Ham

Little blue lights on traffic signals alert authorities from all angles that the signal below it has turned red. ; It's the latest in efforts to crack down on red-light runners.

I don't see this having a huge impact. ;Those who typically would run red lights will continue to do so. ;This will only help if a copper is sitting nearby. ;Red light cameras are the way to go.