Grumman FM-2 Wildcat


This is another one of the planes I had never seen prior to this show. The guy who flew this plane really held back nothing, as it looked like he might even hit the deck on a few low passes.

Here it is taxiing on its way to go up...

Grumman FM-2 Wildcat by jbwolffiv, on Flickr
The way the smoke is hanging around the tail it looks like he's either flying through the clouds or generating a trans-sonic vapor trail. Either way, it's a cool shot. In fact, everything you've posted from the air show has been impressive.
The way the smoke is hanging around the tail it looks like he's either flying through the clouds or generating a trans-sonic vapor trail. Either way, it's a cool shot. In fact, everything you've posted from the air show has been impressive.

Ditto. Most excellent.


Thanks Dennis and Erich!!! Seeign these planes after staring at them in books for so long as a child has been real fun.