Got me a photo job!


Staff member
I was just starting to think that the economy was slow, and I haven't really had any sales or publication requests on my photos in quite some time now...and haven't had a hired shoot either...maybe that little side income that's been funding my photography hobby was drying up.

Then, YEA! ; Along comes a shoot and an offer for hire. ; And right when I've been thinking in the next few months of looking at an upgrade body, now that my lens collection is pretty solid. ; Just in time!

A few years ago, I was hired to shoot a golf tournament...had a lot of fun, and got paid too - the best kind of job. ; It was mostly just shooting all the foursomes in the morning at tee off, running those photos off to a 1-hr print shop for quickie prints, then spending the rest of the day riding around in a golf cart, taking photos of various people in action and playing. ; Head out and pick up the first batch of photos to put in all the swag bags for each player...then a great meal, a live auction, some raffles, and a few photos of the winners...and call it a day. ; The play photos and event winners are used later in promotional materials, newspaper articles, etc.

I was happy to hear that I was recommended to another tournament board - and got another job out of it. ; It's not a super-rich job...but I get $400 for the day, plus essentially free entry to the charity event with all the perks except actually playing (everyone else is paying $300 to participate). ; There are celebrity players with each foursome, so that's a neat little perk too, meeting some famous folks. ; It's all to benefit Alzheimer's, so all for good purpose too. ; Short notice too - it's October 22. ; The course is a Greg Norman design, and he lives down this way...some rumors he'll be making a visit too.

All in all...some cool news today!
Thanks Tim. ; Every little bit helps - takes the sting out of having a photography hobby, if the hobby can self-fund!

Thanks Katie. ; True, I heard the same on the Norman/Evert thing this afternoon. ; Funny...I actually have a connection to Chris Evert already - my company, Raymond James, is the lead sponsor and host of her celebrity tennis tournament down here in South Florida...I get free tix to the event and some of the after parties with the celebs. ; It's cool, because it brings in a pretty wide range of folks, from the tennis greats to movie and television stars.

If they can get Greg Norman to show for the golf tournament, I'll have met them both seperately. ; I'll keep my mouth shut and not take sides though. ; ;)
soooooooo... ; chrissy is now 0-3 in the nuptials, huh? ; or did i miss any?
Well that's 0-3 for the official failed marriages...but don't forget the engagement to Jimmy Connors that they called off before getting to the marriage stage. ; That's gotta count for at least 1/2 failure!
way to go on the job, all i get out of oats is free festival,free electric, and free food at grillbilly hall, of course that's all my costs for going to the festival except diesel and tolls to get there, but it's a start

and i believe chrissie may fall into the high maintenance category, and that do make a person hard to live with
Gary...that sounds like a fine deal you've got...most people are paying money to enjoy the festival, the music, and the food - and you get it all in exchange for a little shutter life on your camera!
Thanks all. ; I've already started worrying a bit, trying to find a place where I can reliably process 5-6 copies of 5x7 prints for each foursome in an hour...most places only tell me 'shouldn't be a problem unless we're busy'...which isn't a guarantee. ; I need to take all the foursomes at shotgun start...which means I'll probably have to hit 18th, and work my way back, getting them each on the course...then run the photos out to be printed while I wait, and still get back hopefully in time for some additional golf-play shots. ; The evening events are easier, since those won't need to be printed that day.
Congrats on the job Justin!

And, good luck with getting those things printed...hope all goes well! :)

It's gotta be great to have a hobby that you love so much and have it pay for itself along with these great perks....that's living my friend! ; ;D
"zackiedawg" said:
Thanks all. ; I've already started worrying a bit, trying to find a place where I can reliably process 5-6 copies of 5x7 prints for each foursome in an hour...most places only tell me 'shouldn't be a problem unless we're busy'...which isn't a guarantee. ; I need to take all the foursomes at shotgun start...which means I'll probably have to hit 18th, and work my way back, getting them each on the course...then run the photos out to be printed while I wait, and still get back hopefully in time for some additional golf-play shots. ; The evening events are easier, since those won't need to be printed that day.

Does the clubhouse have wi-fi? ; You could always transmit from a laptop to the photo place - would save some time there. ; If they don't have wi-fi - tethering from a cell phone perhaps?
I am sure that you could send them to someplace like walgreens or target via that wifi if it exists. ; They are both hour processing places and use Kodak equipment. ; I have always been very happy with my prints from both of them.