glass blower

I really like that shot! ; I am looking forward to the next Pixelmania where I will have every opportunity to stop and watch whatever I want!

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I always like to stop and photograph the one in the Mexico pavilion at Epcot...I never seem to catch the Main Street glass blowers as I'm off with their schedule.
I've seen them at work at both downtown Disney (was making shoes for a mini daisy duck figure) and in Germany (making flowers). ; But I think the main street shop has the coolest backdrop for the artisans (would easily fit into Liberty Square).

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I like to watch them too. I have tried many times to photograph close ups of the flames.
A couple of years ago Jeff Fillmore took some beautiful shots of the flames, that I have tried to get myself, but mine never come out as good!
The last time I was in the Main Street shop (cutting through to avoid the crowds), I noticed a second artisan in the back doing some glass blowing. ; There are a couple of big furnaces to heat the glass. ; Occasionally he would open it to re-heat the piece he was working on and the white-hot glow from the furnace lit up the whole area. ; Sadly, I was in too big of a hurry to try and get a shot, so it's on my to-do list for May.