From the archives...the Mark Twain 10 years ago.


Staff member
I don't think it was Velvia, but it could have been. ; Also could have been Ektachrome 100VS.

I have an imagineering book somewhere that shows this around the time when the park opened and there was almost no trees and plants around at all. ; Cool shot.

BTW, it was 100VS, looked at the slide a few mins ago: scanned 4 Kodachromes, and one more Velvia.
Thanks Cooleo and Mike!

"mSummers" said:
Wow! ; The colors are so vivid! ; Nice shot Roger!

Yeah that was always my favorite reason to shoot Velvia or 100VS....loved the colors.
Yeah, you're right Craig...maybe it's the consumer lens showing!

I think I now see why pixel peepers get into a huff....these older lenses weren't that great in the corners, and honestly, it didn't matter since people would be looking at the subject of the photo rather than corner performance. ; I can tell now thanks to 4800 dpi - on another shot you can see where the leaves are sharp sharp blurry.