Flower Show


A few during the Flower show



Feel free to Critique, as I am quite the novice!!
the monorail pic is real nice, the canadian walkway is nice also, it leads you into the center of the pic quite well, i think i would have tried to have less of the pavilion in there, of course feel free to ignore me, if you want to see my lack of paying attention to all the elements in a picture just go over and look at my partners statue from the side and see the nice clear tink guidewire i included, it's under the mk daytime photo tour, a good example of what not to do, i've posted a couple of stinkers just to point out a good example of what not to do
I love the first picture. The other two are great also but the first one I don't know if its the monorail or what that just makes it stick out more.
I really liked these from this year's Show; very welcoming the boat when you came in!

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