first time seeing this

Very cool shot, and awesome sight! ; I admit I've never seen that, though we don't get to see GBHs in salt-water environments often around here. ; I have seen GBHs eat nearly everything you can imagine - rats, snakes, lizards, alligators, turtles, iguanas, rabbits, fish, other herons...but sharks are a new one to the list for me!
That is one very cool shot (and as Justin said sight too). ; Post some of the others that you put on Flickr here too, they were very cool too!
thanks all. Justin if you have a GBH with a gator I would love to see that shot. that would trump this for sure
Nah - nothing fancy about the alligator situation - they eat the baby gators which are pretty small - smaller than a lot of the fish they normally gulp down, and a lot easier to eat than some of their other food. ; That shark is pretty long and much bigger than the gators I've seen gulped down!
Wow...could it even fly after downing that shark? ; GBH are either very ferocious hunters or are too dumb to know better.
Spielberg needs to make a new movie
it walked around after eating it like nothing ever happened
got an email on flickr from a company that supplies photos to news agencies etc and wants to use my photos of this event. and they pay 50% of what they make and 1 month exclusive use only

GBH-begins-swallowing-the-shark by LW_NJ, on Flickr