first shots from D80

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first time shooting with the D80 and 18-135 mm kits lens. Lots to learn yet coming from the sony f828.
now if only the weather would make up it's mind
Really like the last one, but they're all good! Lake near your home?
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thanx.. I live in Smithville NJ and right down the road from me is a village with old looking shops and a small lake.
here is a few shots of the village.
nice stuff, howie. welcome (FINALLY!) to the d/slr club. congrats!
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thanx Tim. Hoping to sell the 828 and get another lens.
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Congratulations on the purchase. I love the B/W and the flapping wings pics. A bit of CC, the 2nd duck shot is too yellow for my taste. You may want to try iCorrect Edit LabPro for a one-click solution (PM me for more info, if you're interested).

BTW, I loooooove those type of trains!!!!! :) :) :)
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thanks. I dont have my monitor calibrated yet but do want to get a spyder device. I ran it thru icorrect 1 click so here is the modified version. hopefully it looks better.