Feb 2007 North Tower of the Contemporary

Thanks for the photo update Craig! I can't wait to actually see this for myself. Maybe even be lucky enough to stay there.
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This will probably be my final update on the "north wing" of the Contemporary.
The Bay Lake Tower building is pretty much complete on the outside! :)
There is hardly any scaffolding left and the exterior looks to be mostly complete.
I'll start a new Bay Lake Tower thread the next time we get new photos.
Stay tuned for some close-up shots as soon as I can get access past the fences.
Until then, enjoy these pics from Feb 2009.

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Thanks for the new photo's Craig! Those upper rooms that have a two story glass opening look amazing!
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I waiting for Craig to slap on the super-duper zoom and go all paparazzi on the Bay Lake Tower from the rooftop of the contemporary zooming into the room :)
Dina and I are guessing that those top floors with two windows are the two story grand villas
"Grumpwurst" said:
I waiting for Craig to slap on the super-duper zoom and go all paparazzi on the Bay Lake Tower from the rooftop of the contemporary zooming into the room :)

actually I am working hard to get a real life sneak peak as soon as possible.
what??, mr contemporary has not been given his very own personalized concierge level private tour yet??, blasphemy i tells ya, blasphemy
Craig...when where you there? I got some shots of the complex last week while crossing on the ferryboat. The outside facing the Seven Seas Lagoon looks complete. No scaffolding to be seen from that angle.
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we were there Feb 8Th for these pics, and last sunday for an hour with no camera. I did see on sunday that no scaffolding was up anymore!!!

Gary, that's funny! but, in the grand scheme of guests at the contemp, Dina and I are small potatoes with smallish connections!

Took these on February 23rd from the Ferryboat.



Wow...third one's a beautiful shot, Scott! It doesn't look like an eyesore anymore...kudos to the designers for matching it quite nicely.
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Thanks, Justin! That's what struck me, too. Considering the time difference between the two structures, they look like they were built at the same time.
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