Fascinated by so many different ideas...


and the one that intrigued me the most this past week, was the idea that great photos can be captured, even by point and shoot cameras. ; So I went and took a look at what was on my iPhone, which I use primarily to send photos to family when we are away, so they can live vicariously through us. :) ; My mom is particularly fond of this and asks me to do it often. ; I was surprised at what I found there, and I spent some time tonight tweaking them here and there. ; If you have one, and you use it sometimes to take photos...you really should go back and take a peek at what's in there. ; You might be surprised too. ; Take a look at what I found on my iPhone...

A Castle

A Window in Norway

A Beautiful Place in the Kingdom

A Tropical Place for a Smiling Face :)

A Killer Sunset

A Christmas Deer

And Even A Bunch of Balloons
All fixed Pixie. :) ; I don't know why I keep having problems posting from flickr. ; It irritates the fire out of me.
And a few more in the non-Disney department...

My Backyard

The View From the Park My Boys Love

Points of Light on a Fall Walkway

My Favorite Campsite

Sitting Alone on the Beach

Sucker for a Sunset :)

Thank you, Jason. ; It's my absolute favorite time of day. :-* ; I'd like sunrise too...if it could happen at 9am. :D

It's interesting though...isn't it? ; I've been so caught up in cameras and lenses and equipment and blah blah blah...lately...that I've forgotten the sheer joy of capturing a photograph with whatever happens to be in my hand at the moment.

It's good to remember that. :star:
Indeed! ; That is precisely why I always like to carry my ultracompact P&S with me...both when I don't feel like carrying the DSLR, or when I do, but just like to have a different view. ; It's my go-anywhere camera (since I don't use a camera on a phone)...so it takes the shots that I otherwise would have missed.

I posted a thread a few weeks back on just this type of subject, of shots taken at Disney with my ultracompact - it sort of fell away with no replies, and didn't really need any - I just wanted to show that sometimes I am not lugging around my DSLR and lenses, but still enjoy looking for shots and having a camera with me - and having one so small like an ultracompact or camera phone I think releases you in a way from thinking too much and passing on some shots - I sometimes can just have fun and give it a try. ; My old thread just for a lark:
Justin, ; I'm sorry I missed that thread! ; There are some great shots there. ; I love what you said about how sometimes it's just nice not to have to think quite so much. ; That's what I love about it too. ; With the iPhone, I'm not worrying about any settings or which lens I should be using...I just hold it up and snap the moment.

Sometimes I miss the simplicity of that and just want to live in the moment and record it within myself without trying to analyze it.

Thanks for posting the link. ;