Fantasyland Expansion Rumors True....D23 Announcement

Well, I don't have another trip planned until the beginning of 2011, so I guess I will not be able to help you guys with the Photodocumentary[nb]Is "Photodocumentary" even a word? Oh well, it sounds good. ; :)[/nb] of Toontown before it goes away. ; >:(
"ImagineeringMyWay" said:
Disneyland operated for 38 years without a ToonTown and Magic Kingdom made it 17 years without a ToonTown. I never heard any complaints about no areas for kids.

Greg, while I agree with you, I'll play devil's advocate and state that while there were no complaints about a lack of children's play areas before Toontown, now that there has been a Toontown, people who've been to the parks before will know what is missing. ; So, complaints most likely will be raised with Guest Relations now that something some people have come to expect is removed.

But I agree, WDW version of Toontown is more of a glorified meet-and-greet location than the Toontown at Disneyland which has both a kiddie coaster and Roger Rabbit
Your right, now that they have had a taste they may get some complaints, no doubt. But as many of have said, the "Parks" are NOT museums and things need to change to keep it fresh. While I am not all that enthused with the new meet and greets, if they stick to the plans and artwork they have shown us, I will be there taking many pictures day and night!
"ImagineeringMyWay" said:
But as many of have said, the "Parks" are NOT museums and things need to change to keep it fresh

I think I'm in a minority. ; When it comes to the themeparks, I'm all for change. ; Yes, we have some classics that probably should never be removed (i.e. Peter Pan, Snow White, IASW), but I really wish that they would get updates as technology and show techniques improve over time. ; I really would love to see what they could do with Toad at Disneyland and Snow White (at both parks) now that we've obviously moved beyond the Plywood and iridescent paint techniques that were utilized in the beginning
I'm for change, too. ; Especially when they can take advantage of new technologies. ; Walt would have been all over that. ; He loved molding storytelling with the lastest gadgets or, if they didn't exist, he and his team would create them.

Of course, they may misfire (Journey into Imaginations redo so so bad, they did another redo) at times but, for the most part, they've done well when given the resources to accomplish the task.
I'm all for the redos...but at the same time I wish they'd make a 5th park called "Disney Heritage", that could just be all the retired rides in their original form from all of the 4 other parks. ; It would be one of my favorite parks - 20,000 Leagues, Mr. Toad's, Skyway, If You Had Wings, Horizons, World of Motion, original Tiki room, original Journey Into Imagination, Swan boats, House of could just go on and on!

That way, the main parks could stay fresh and interesting, and anyone who still likes the history can head over to Disney Heritage. ; :)