Exploring Morocco at Night


Staff member
Part of my Epcot night series were these shots in Morocco - I had too many shots in my other night thread and didn't want to overload it with these too - so I figured I'd let the Morocco tour be it's own thread.

I love walking throughout Morocco, as it's often not crowded, and a little known fact - it's the only pavilion paid for and built under the supervision of the government of the country it represents. ; So the architecture and details have a certain depth and realism that really make it stand out to me - and when they light it at night in those muted reds and yellows, it's very pretty too!

So, here's Morocco, with wide angle lens, tripod mount, at night (links to 1024-pixel long shots are below each embedded version):











Comments, questions, critique welcome.
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Very nice.

I like the last one best -- the mystery of where the alley leads etc draws me into the photo. ; Second favorite is the interior shot. ; The tiles provide a nice texture and series of lines.

One thing I might be curious about is the WB. ; It feels a little yellow. ; It's probably the tone of the lamps, but I'm wondering if that could be cooled off just a touch.

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your world tour...


Thanks Boris, and Craig. ; Indeed the WB does lean towards a warm yellow - it could certainly be 'corrected' - but honestly I preferred to leave it warmer and yellower as that's the feel it gives off in person too. ; I've never been one to seek perfect white balance in every shot - at least not 'technically' perfect white balance - for me perfect white balance is one that captures the feel and atmosphere at the time. ; It's why I love the sunset golden hour, as everything tints red and yellow and warm, or early morning with its violet hues. ; In this case, the adobe, mud, brick etc all have that warmish tan, reddish, and yellow tone, and the lighting in there is yellowish as well. ; Though it's all personal preference of course! ; Some may prefer the clean, technically perfect white balances without influence of light coloration.

Indeed - thanks for the in-depth comments and opinions! ; That's what I like. ; :)
Excellent shots, Justin. ; I was going to complain about the searchlights from the Studios in the third shot, but in my mind I just titled it "Three moons over Morocco" and was happy.

One time when I was wandering the shops in the back, there were a couple of college-aged female guests doing an impromptu belly dance. ; The cast member in the shop had put on some appropriate music and was accompanying them on a drum. ; Disney magic at its finest!
Justin, these are great. ; I have to agree, when I am in Morocco, it has a warm feeling because of the color used in the building materials gives off when illuminated. ; I like them a lot.
Thanks prettypixie. ; It really does feel like a getaway to another world...at least until the electric scooter runs into your heels from behind! ; ;)
Thanks Jeff...no problem on missing the thread - the boards are getting nice and active again so things drop off the recent list more quickly!
I love moments at WDW where you feel like you have the place all to yourself..especially at night. ; I love these. ; They're beautiful.