Exclusively Ultra-wide Epcot


Staff member
Along with my night World Showcase tour, I also used my 10-24mm UWA lens during the day at Epcot. ; In fact, I decided to shoot with that lens exclusively the entire day, morning to bedtime. ; It's one of my newest lenses, and the one I have the least shots from at Disney, so I figured it would be a good project to shoot from a new closer and wider perspective. ; And it was just fun, too! ; So here are my ultrawide Epcot day shots (as usual, I've linked the larger 1024 pixel long version just below the tiny embedded photo):

























As always, comments, questions, critique welcome.
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Nice- I really enjoy walking around the parks with a single lens- it makes you see things differently.

Good set- the first two are my favorites.
Thanks jeff - I don't do it enough...need to do it more often. ; It feels restricting at first...and to be honest, I had my 18-250 there in the bag in case I just couldn't handle it...but in the end, I never had the urge to change lenses and started really enjoying taking photos of the same things I've already photographed in a different style.

Thanks Paul...that one took a good 10 minutes of waiting for the monorail to come by!
UWA lenses are tricky guys. ; I like to get in close and low. ; Try and keep the sensor plane perpendicular to the subject as much as possible (like the monorail shot). That will keep distortion down unless you want to use distortion for creative purposes. ;

I'm still getting the hang of it, myself.

The UoE one is very cool!
Thanks guys. ; Indeed the UWA is a fun tool, and one you learn to adapt to its peculiar sensitivities. ; In general, I try to keep it on the level and take advantage of the rectilinear design to avoid odd distortions...but other times I really enjoy playing with the distortion effect, like shooting up at tall buildings, or at angles down straight lines, which then curve into some interesting compositions!

That UofE one is freaky...I was quite literally about 1-2 feet from the end of the blue wall jutting out - that's still one of the strangest things about UWA lenses...how close you can get to subjects and still have them in the frame!
Justin, I love the purple flowers in the first photo and the UofE is still one of my kids favorite rides (go figure). ; Neat perspective. ; I've never tried a wide angle lens before. ; I like the different effect.
Nicely done!!! I was thinking of using my UWA lens for the day the next time I go to my Laughing Place. This made me absolutely want to do it.
Thanks Roni, Jeff, and James.

I'd recommend it for sure - lots of fun forcing one lens like that - I did it a bit when I was there in September, at Animal Kingdom...sticking with it other than the animal trails. ; I need to hit DHS and Magic Kingdom more often with it though. ; I got in some MK with it this last trip, but was cut short by rain that day, and switched to my waterproofed compact for the rest of the afternoon.
Great set of shots!!! ; I think I might consider getting a UWA lens sooner or later. ; I wanna work on getting a prime lens first though.
Thanks! ; UWAs are definitely fun, and I'm very happy I got one. ; Probably a good strategy though getting your primes handled first - I bought a 50mm F1.7 and 30mm F1.4 before I ended up with the UWA...primes, especially fast ones, are definitely good to have in the bag!
Great shots!
I love my UWA definitely a great way to get some unique perspectives. Its also a great lens to use to get some crowds out of your shots since you can stand so close.
When we were in Disney last December I really got a chance to put my UWA to good use. ; Earlier in the day we had a 20% off an item coupon that we used at MouseGear. ; Well, my Mom realized later that the cashier had not applied the 20% and she was a little steamed. My Dad spent the whole walk back trying to calm her down. As you can see from the picture, my sister was baffled by the whole situation.
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