EPICOT: Legacy

Finally got a chance to get this shot exactly as I originally envisioned it, albeit this time with that pesky Tronorail. ; Oh well, can't win them all.

Clicking the picture takes you to its Flickr page where there is a description of the shot, EXIF data (camera settings), etc.
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Tom, ; great work. ; Love that photo. ; The Tronorails are pretty cool. ; So were there really two on the track that close to each other or were you working a little magic?
Fantastic shot, like its predecessor. ; How do you freeze the monorail like that on a three-second exposure? ; Multiple exposures? ; Pocket Wizards and a boatload of strobes? ; Inquiring minds want to know.
I'd still like to know how you got it to "freeze" in action. ; I'm guessing that there are a bit of use of layers here, but that is the only thing that I can come up with. ; I actually like the Tron-rails. ; Great shot, and thanks for sharing!
absolutely PERFECT! this is awesome, I love it! this is a brilliant shot you do with "two" monorails!