epcot or hollywood studios


Which do you need more time at with kids? Which is better if you had a choice to add 1/2 day to one of them making it 1.5?
I think the studios would be a better park for kids but if I had to add 1/2 a day, it would be at Epcot. I think there is a lot to see at Epcot and they have several attractions that you would probably want to do twice.

You could always spend a day in both the Studios and Epcot and then see what you miss and make your decision from there?
Hubby and I prefer Epcot - but don't think ODS will like it as much as DHS. DHS has pixar stuff, muppets.

Epcot, if I remember, the only part that I think ODS will like is the aquarium stuff- although it's been a long time, and I wasn't paying attention to what the kids would like when we were there
Kids would definitley like DHS better, a lot more kid oriented.

Weemcp you are right, the kids probably will like the land of the the seas with Nemo and friends, turtle talk with crush and the acquarium, but I don't think you would need to add any extra time in a park for that.