Epcot - Germany

apparently it's upwards of 20 musicians forming varying touring units, and coming together in a larger configuration to hold down the host band slot at the famous munich octoberfest
I heard Weis N Baum in June during a night show, so they were still there then, in some guise:

I had only brought a fixed-lens camera that was waterproof that whole day as it was almost non-stop rain from morning to evening...so it's not a low light king with the 1" sensor but gets by.
Here's another little story of the little people next to the little train.
This lady took saw a bear cub drinking Coke and thought it would be great for advertising. The mother bear didn't agree. And Coca Cola decided that polar bears were more appealing than black bears.

Coke Will Love This
Today our time machine takes us back to the time when the Trans Europ Express rolled across Germany using these modern-looking Deutsche Bundesbahn class VT 11.5 diesel trainsets.
