Epcot Fountain of Nations...


Staff member
This one has been pretty darn popular among fans of the sites so I figured it would post it here... comments?
What, to me, is striking is the strong purple illumination on the water cascading down the base of the fountain. I also like the subtle variation in hues of the water jets, from blue to purple to white.
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yo dawg, if this keeps up there one day will be a mob outside your door demanding an all day in person tim conducted photoshop seminar/workshop, followed by day 2, online gallery making, day 3 printing those beauties
you have been warned

How did you keep people from walking in front of the camera? BTW, how long was the exposure? Thanks!
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3.2sec. i just try to time it when nobody is in the area to wreck the shot. i have lost quite a few that way, however, so i just re-do it if possible.
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3.2 sec, with a tripod, it isn't that bad to take it again.

And with digital, it's not like you have to change film after the 36th time someone walked in front, took a flash pic, etc. etc.