Epcot: 10 of 36

So I went to Epcot last weekend with the new (old) camera- a Hassey 500cm. ;

I know a lot of people say using film is a waste of time- and even though I live a few hours from Disney my time there is far from unlimited, especially photography time. ; Typically most of my Disney shots are of the kids- or on ride shots since they are momentarily occupied- or quick over the shoulder grabs while hoofing it around the parks. ; But last Saturday the wife and I did F&W Fest together without the kids so I had an afternoon to spend a little more time to think about taking pictures- not much more- but a little. ; I took more film but only shot three rolls which in medium format equals 36 pictures. ; I rather enjoyed the process of framing and composing the new-to-me square format (all shots are uncropped), hand metering and focusing each shot and adjusting the camera, considering and passing on some shots I knew from past experience I would not care about, and really considering those shots I did take because except for the Dragon Legend Acrobats (which I took TWO pictures of) I took one frame of each subject. ;

Anyway- I for one like the analog and mechanical connection to photography and believe it helps me improve my skills in general. ; I like the whole process of taking a photograph. ; I like the way the camera feels in my hand and the way the shutter sounds. ; I even like the way stop bath smells and the way my kids look at me like I'm a mad scientist mixing chemicals in the laundry room sink.

Not trying to convert anyone- just sharin' the love. ; :)

First roll- Fuji Neopan 100 Acros





Second roll- Fujifilm NPH 400




Third roll- Fujifilm NPZ 800




Some more from the day are on my Epcot set on Flickr if anyone is interested.

Very nice set Jeff.

Blade or leaf shutter in the Hassy? ; I'm wondering where the artifacts came in from a few of the first shots....processing? ; They don't appear elsewhere.
Thanks Roger-

The shutter is a leaf shutter actually located in the lens- not in the camera body like most SLR's.

Are you looking at the artifacts on the left and right edges? ; I am guessing that is something to do with the scanning brackets. ; The ones included with the Epson are not the most user-friendly pieces of plastc I have found. ; Supposedly there are much better after-market holders but I have not really researched it yet.
Yeah, the first three have the odd artifacts, but not in the others (visible at least!)

Now, about the shutter, I know that there are a few MF's out there that have a plane shutter in the body but can use the leaf shutter in the lens.....but just wanted to double check - because the artifact looked like a plane shutter sticking near the beginning/end of the exposure.[nb]But after I thought about it, I figured you didn't rotate the camera 180 degrees, because even though we couldn't tell, it would probably be hard to operate.[/nb]
"How'd you get that range in the shot of Mexico? I can't make my 'D'SLR do that without some help.'

Did I mention I LOVE film? ;)

Nice work!!
nice work, especially loving that monorail shot, and i think i can take a pretty good guess at where you stood for that, or at least a close guess

you keep this up and i'm going to have to consider bringing the mamiya 6 to the pixelmania party, although with alll the gear i'd want to bring for both systems i'd have to consider driving down, and there is no hell on earth like 1100 miles of I-95
Your skills are looking quite sharp there - very nice work! ; I hated film myself, mostly because at the time I was using it, my skills were very low to say the least. ; I didn't really become a photo hobbyist or enthusiast until the digital age was dawning.
these are wonderful Jeff.

I keep going back to the Chinese arch. It looks so much like a print from the early 80's.
Film really is so nice.

Thanks for sharing!

Do you get into a lot of conversations at the parks carrying this camera? If I saw you, I would probably have to start talking to you!
Thanks Craig-

Actually yes- the camera does seem to be a conversation piece. ; I spoke with a couple people about it at Epcot- and again last night I went to an old car show.