END OF (the) LINE.


Staff member
<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/052807/E/IMG_6307ab_2.jpg" />
This picture reminds me that I cannot wait to get back to the Germany Pavilion with my Nikon D80. I couldn't get a decent zoom with my Canon Powershot S70. There are a couple hidden mickeys in there
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Here's another look at the same scene, but with a small subtle "wildlife" addition.

&quot;rlongenbach&quot; said:
Now I have this overwhelming urge to dress in liederhosen and dance.....
in the name of all thing holy, hide the women & children.
&quot;AUBandPilot&quot; said:
Here's another look at the same scene, but with a small subtle "wildlife" addition.


Oh dear! It's a man-sized lizard! Call the Tokyo Police! And the bad pun police!
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