Elvis at Disneyland

I am not a big Elvis fan like my wife, but I have been having fun shooting Scot Bruce as Elvis. He has all the moves and the girls and women sure love to swoon.


I also shot some Full HD 1080 video with the Canon 5D Mark II. I forgot my external mic so what you hear is the mic in the Canon 5D MII.


He has been so popular that Disneyland keeps bringing back. I guess talking to City Hall does work.
From what I'm hearing the onboard mic seems to be pretty good. ; It would be interesting to compare that with what the external mic would've gotten for you. ; Amazing video there Greg
Thanks ..... I am pretty happy with the video results of the 5D MII. That 4:39 video is 775.9 mb at 1920x1080. a 720 file is 146.1 mb and if I compress for iTunes and AppleTV at 640x352 it gets down to 48.1 mb. ; I use VisualHub to compress and it works very well.
Ya'know, it's funny.. in the opening sequence it looks like you used some sort of effect to make the video a little.. I don't know the term. ; Wiggly. ; At first I thought "ah.. there's the rolling shutter problem". ; But then I watched it more and realized it had to be deliberate. ; Actually, now that I look again, I see what it is. ; An old TV effect, with vertical sync problems as well as that wiggle. ; I've got a plugin that can do that in some program or another. ; My favorite is the old film effect though, adding dust and occasional hairs plus a little judder.

For the record I know the rolling shutter problem isn't that bad. ; But I was thinking maybe you'd done something I've tried.. running a stabilization filter that tries to stabilize the motion, it works but it makes the rolling shutter problem a lot more obvious, it almost looks like the way that effect worked. ; But the size of the oscillation is larger.

I'm not particularly an elvis fan, but I like what I saw of that performance. ; It's not nostalgia for me, I'm largely from the post elvis culture. ; But there was a decent energy to it, I could see getting into it if I were there. ; Just.. with less screaming. ; I can see giving him a little "woooo" after he finishes a number, though.

I need to start putting some video up on youtube.
The effect is a Final Cut effect called "Bad TV". It allows for some adjustment to roll, static, etc.

I try not to use the anti-stabilization unless absolutely necessary. It takes a long time to render and it often degrades the quality. Somethimg you just got to play with a little.

I just started putting stuff on YouTube. I've had an account for years, just never got around to it I guess.