On March 14, 2014 at the Venice, Florida rookery, I took this series of photos of an adult egret feeding its young. ; After a considerable effort, the parent bird barfed up a hotdog!! ; The larger of the two young quickly swallowed it whole, leaving the smaller one with nothing. ; There are frequently Audubon docents at this site. One of them told me that the people in the adjacent trailer park feed the birds hotdogs. ; I returned today (March 22, 2014). ; The larger of the two offspring is bigger and the smaller one is no longer in the nest. ; I was rather amazed to see that hotdog come rocketing out of the adults mouth. ; I am not too surprised that people are feeding the birds hotdogs as the last time that I was at Gatorland in Orlando, I saw families entering the park with whole packages of hotdogs and the birds and gators quickly gobbling them up.