Dream Along with Mickey - stage shots


Staff member
One of those shows that I must admit I usually steer around and ignore...I've maybe snapped one or two of it from a healthy distance and move on. ; While there earlier this month, I was passing through the center circle and the show was a minute or two from starting - people were packed in all around the stage and back to Partners...but I noticed that the small pavilion building to the left of the castle with the drinking fountains (and the secret control booth that pops out of the top) was empty and had a surprisingly good view of the stage, with noone standing directly in front of you because of the small garden path and fence. ; So I decided this time...why not? ; I'll stay and watch and shoot the show for a change. ; It's got all the classic characters in it, good chance to practice stage show shooting, and there are even cute girls in it...might as well. ; All shots A580, handheld, JPGs, 18-250mm lens, ISO 1000 to 1600 (on auto, so I let the camera decide):










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Thanks John! ; Indeed, though this was a strange and hot December, it was a far sight better than the oppressive ugly heat we get in the summer. ; I feel sorry for the performers who have to do this in our summers.
See, this is the kind of thing we need to recognize: EVERYTHING at WDW is worth shooting.

Especially if you get to see Snow White's frilly knickers. ::)

Nice set, Justin. ; I'll have to try that spot out next time I have my long lens.
Thanks guys - appreciate the comments.

With the forum overhaul, for some reason I'm missing a lot of my posts in my 'new replies' section...maybe this will put it back in!
Great stuff Justin. ; I shot this too for the first time recently. ; I haven't uploaded them yet, but I will and I will post my images here if you don't mind. ; I really enjoyed how life-like the characters are now with the blinking eyes and moving mouth, it really makes them come alive.
Definitely feel free to add them here. ; I agree - that actually did surprise me a bit, noticing how much control they've added to the character heads. ; The downside? ; Several of my shots ended up having characters with their eyes closed! ; ;)
"zackiedawg" said:
The downside? ; Several of my shots ended up having characters with their eyes closed!

Too right! I've shot several shows over the last year, and it seems like Mickey's eyes are closed more than they're open.