"What did you expect? "Welcome sonny"? "Make yourself at home"? "Marry my daughter"? ; You gotta remember these are just simple farmers. ; These are people of the land. ; The common clay of the west. You know... Morons"
Great stuff guys! ; I recognize quotes from Ghostbusters, Spaceballs, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, and History of the World Part I. ; Did I miss anything?
Yeah, we went on a Mel Brooks tangent there for a bit. ; Started with the Ghostbusters and there were a few 'Airplane's in there...and I threw in a Nat'l Lampoon's Vacation too.
I wasn't sure how deep to go into the movie archives...I'm a definite film head - I've got over 4,500 movies myself, between DVD & VHS. ; I could quote from some distinctly un-family-friendly stuff too, but I held that stuff back. ;
like you Justin I love movies although my collection is nowhere near ; that big. I got rid of all my vhs awhile back when I switched to laser disc and then to dvd and now got rid of all that and am building a bluray collection.Love old scifi movies from the 50's and they are being released slowly but surely on bluray. Forbidden Planet looks great on it and the new hi def audio on bluray is amazing. another movie that they did right on bluray is North By Northwest. the old Sean Connery bond movies look fabulous also
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