Do You Tinker Before Going?


I consider myself to be extremely creative. Some of my friends believe that I'm a crossbreed of both Belle and Tinkerbell. (The names aren't too far from each other, so perhaps it's true!)

Every time I plan to go to Disneyland, I always create something to bring with me on that day. Most commonly it's Disney-related (obviously!) and something that I am typically passion about. The reason I do something of the sort, is to help myself get twice as pumped. I have something of mine that I'm bringing with me to the magical (and happiest) place on earth and I'm showing them how proud I am to be obsessed with everything Disney.

So to show my passion for Disney's Beauty and the Beast, I've created a tote bag of Belle. It includes Chip and Mrs. Potts.


(OKAY -- So this picture shows my obsession with Disney and everything girly... I was doing laundry... o_O)

Not only can creating your own things and bringing them to the Disney Theme Parks be exciting and help you pump up for it's magical experience, but it can also increase your self-esteem and confidence! More people are always wanting to get the latest and best-looking items at Disney. Once they ask you where you got your creation, you just say that you made it yourself. You'll then feel quite proud and accomplished that you've made something that only YOU have!

Does anyone else Tinker before going to a Disney Theme Park? If you do, what types of things have you made before? Feel free to post pictures of your creations and share with us! I'd love to know of your Disney-inspired creations!
That looks beautiful. I think it would make you unique out of all the Disney-goers. And you'll always know which bag is yours! It's a great idea, of course, kudos to you for thinking of it. When our family finally gets around to going to Disneyland, I shall definitely make something for the kids.
@JGPangi Thanks! It's great to get the recognition of being different sometimes. If you're not scared of balloons, you should try and make cute little Minnie and Mickey mouse ears out of them. You can buy headbands and twist the balloon ears around them. :)
Best part about this idea is that the ears won't necessarily go away. The headband keeps them on! :D
Wow. Just wow. I'm going to write that down and as soon as Baby is old enough, we are definitely going to do that for Halloween. Aww, and if we get a little girl, we get to use balloons AND ribbon.

The most artistic I was thinking of was having my husband draw something up and getting it printed on transfer paper, then ironing it on to a canvas bag. I really lack imagination when it comes to arts and crafts, haha.
@JGPangi I'm glad that you love the idea. :) And any idea is creative. I like that idea! Is your husband an architect or artist in general? Because if he could draw really well, that's really cool! My bag took about 5-6 hours to actually complete. 3-4 of those hours was actually using my pencil and drawing the characters. It's difficult. Your idea sounds great though! :D
He's a really good artist, both in pencil and with computer graphics. It's a bit too technical for me so I don't really get into it- I just appreciate what he makes :) Recently he's been toying with the idea of making his own brand of printed shirts, and I thought I could maneuver him (in a sneaky wifey way) into making a few that focused on Disney villains. I'm still working on that though!
One of the things I do is to make "Far From Normal" cards for cast members that I feel went above and beyond. Since my current town is Normal (insert joke here) and WDW is "far from Normal". It then goes on to say that it is 942.65 miles as the crow flies, but only if you are reading it at the hub. From there it goes off on a couple of tangents before wrapping up with a "you are spectacular-EAR".


Other than that, I have had shirts made up in the past (mostly because my shirt size does not exist in park wear) and gotten compliments (a thumbs up and "love the shirt" from Prince Stephen while on the parade float) on some of them.
I like to dress up as disney characters or at least inspired by disney characters. I make different outfits and pocketbooks and stuff. This year I am going as daisy duck and maybe piglet or dr. facilier. Also, I making a jean jumper out of old jeans for a purple minion outfit.