Sheila Gallant-Halloran
Hi gang,
Just thought I'd share a note to let you know that my family often would go to Disney and get the photopass photographers to take our snaps. We'd get home and balk at the $12+ price to order one 5x7. ; This time around, we decided we were going to purchase the CD - get all our photopass pictures on a CD for one price, then we can pick and choose how many and what size to print off.
If you order the CD, it costs $124.95 USD.
If you pre-order the CD, they send you a code you use for actually placing the order after you return - the pre-order saves you money. That costs $99.95 USD.
We pre-ordered. ; Took advantage of it big time.
One huge plus - right now (at least in September) they are giving those that pre-order the CD a free sitting with a professional photographer at the Grand Floridian. ; (If you just book, it costs $49.95 for the sitting fee.) ; We booked an appointment and had a photographer snap about 45 photos of the family at various spots around GF. ; They're great - and one will be our new family portrait. (I'd paid for a sitting with a local photographer here - paid $90 for the sitting fee, and hated the photos.)
We just received our CDs now with all 400 + of our photos (there were 2 CDs - we had about 300 photos taken - that includes BBB, and after we paid for the photos at Chef Mickeys and Cinderella's castle, we could load those photos on too). ; We increased our photos (from 300 to 400) by editing, cropping, adding various borders, etc. when we got home. ; They put both the original and the edited version on the CD.
Check out
Here's another great site with lots of info: ;
Just thought I'd share a note to let you know that my family often would go to Disney and get the photopass photographers to take our snaps. We'd get home and balk at the $12+ price to order one 5x7. ; This time around, we decided we were going to purchase the CD - get all our photopass pictures on a CD for one price, then we can pick and choose how many and what size to print off.
If you order the CD, it costs $124.95 USD.
If you pre-order the CD, they send you a code you use for actually placing the order after you return - the pre-order saves you money. That costs $99.95 USD.
We pre-ordered. ; Took advantage of it big time.
One huge plus - right now (at least in September) they are giving those that pre-order the CD a free sitting with a professional photographer at the Grand Floridian. ; (If you just book, it costs $49.95 for the sitting fee.) ; We booked an appointment and had a photographer snap about 45 photos of the family at various spots around GF. ; They're great - and one will be our new family portrait. (I'd paid for a sitting with a local photographer here - paid $90 for the sitting fee, and hated the photos.)
We just received our CDs now with all 400 + of our photos (there were 2 CDs - we had about 300 photos taken - that includes BBB, and after we paid for the photos at Chef Mickeys and Cinderella's castle, we could load those photos on too). ; We increased our photos (from 300 to 400) by editing, cropping, adding various borders, etc. when we got home. ; They put both the original and the edited version on the CD.
Check out
Here's another great site with lots of info: ;